It’s so frustrating when the sink is clogged.

I’ve tried all I can do to fix it but tough luck. It aint working.

So like many other would do, ask Mr Google (I’m guilty as charged) to my defence one need to be resourceful, and one of the source of information IS the internet. I searched then found few methods, plenty of tools.

One of it is this “pipe cleaner” from Daiso. Though Mytown is just some distance away from my place, I’d prefer to avoid mall at this particular time. Why? Because the second option is more appealing to me. Hardware Shop! Yepppp! That’s right. So what you need is the heavy duty “soda”.

No wonder the “baking soda method aint working. Upon further reading, I found out why, you can read it here if you want to.

So yes, off to the hardware shop I go. Bought them bad boys!

RM7 for 200 grams of it. I’m not sure if that’s the normal price or that’s expensive or even cheap cuz that was my first time and I’m desperate to get my sink fixed!

Due to the level of my desperation to get it done pronto I didn’t get to snap a picture or two of the “magical crystal chunk“. Yep! that’s quite unusual for an ‘Amy’.

So what I actually did was (well I just followed the instruction given by the lady at the hardware shop), I dump in good amount of soda into the sink drain. Like more than half of the packet. Don’t be stingy. This is way cheaper than calling the plumber so do not hesitate.

Almost immediately I can hear this sound coming from down below, I’m not making this up!

Then I pour in the whole kettle of boiling water.

Voila!! Clogged sink no more.

I’m a happy Amy again.