I think I’m going slightly mad.

Not mad, mad.

This one particular activity that was supposed to be therapeutic turns out to be stressful for me. How can that even be possible?

Coloring is the only thing that I enjoy since I don’t inherit the rest of my dad’s artsy skills like drawing and god knows what else.

Adult coloring book can be handy when you’re no longer a kid but you just love coloring and you want to look as tough you’re an expert.

Aside from that they claimed that this coloring activity and book can be a relaxing therapy.

I can go all nuts at a bookstore and almost go bankrupt (exaggeration alert) once the madness starts to kick in.

Somehow the coloring madness sorts of going south. Whatever that I color Baby Naeem can do even better.

Try coloring a page full of flower mandala.

Then let me know how it goes.