Here comes Eid.

Taqabbalallahu Minna Waminkum

This time a year ago I was in the Emerald Isle that doesn’t celebrate Eid, we were on lock down but I was beyond lucky to be able to celebrate Eid with Kak Ngah & the boys who happen to reside ten over thousands kilometres away.

I don’t have the luxury to do that annually, it was once in a blue moon opportunity.

I am blessed differently this year to be back in the motherland. Ramadan and Eid are not foreign to us, still on the lock down but this time around I am alone.

Is it depressing?

Do I feel lonely?

Am I sad?

Heck yes for all the above.

Few beautiful lessons life has taught me thus far; whatever my circumstances are there’s a ‘hikma’ in every ‘delay + no’ and life will surely goes on.

May we remember what we are supposed to be celebrating today and to be able to celebrate it, IS a bonus.

Sending love from my ‘teratak bonda’ to those who are celebrating wherever you are.

Selamat Hari Raya.Maaf Zahir & Batin


Amy H

Note: Terima kasih buat yang berkongsi kasih & rezeki di Aidil Fitri. Moga kalian sentiasa dalam lindungan tuhan. You know who you are.

Note: I miss Mama (and Papa of course) a little extra today I decided to put on her Baju Kurung and pose in front of the family picture. 🙂

Alhamdulillah ala kulli haal

Eid 2021